When it comes to IT peripherals, I just want it to be functional and practical. Easy to use, and easy to take on the road. A computer mouse, is a computer mouse, is a computer mouse. Right?
Who would have thought that one can get so excited about a mouse. Not the cartoon cheese eating mouse, but the mouse that helps you navigate your emails, documents, spreadsheets, and internet pages.
Well let me tell you about Logitech's POP mouse. I am in love!
The first cool feature is that it is a silent mouse. No click-click sounds! You can use it on up to three devices, as it is Bluetooth enabled. No more plugging and unplugging and plugging to with a little Bluetooth thingy that goes in the USB port. The funky middle button allows you to access emoticon's, alt key for special characters and symbols. (No more pressing the Windows key and full stop.) A right click that brings your toolbar to right where you are.
Sheila fits the palm of my hand. Yes, I had to name her.
What really got my super stoked is the environmental friendliness of this mouse. The plastic parts in the POP mouse include certified post-consumer recycled plastic. The paper packaging comes from FSC certified forests and other controlled sources. The carbon footprint has been reduced to zero through various intentional support and activities to sustain mother nature.
Sonja Coetzer - Managing Director