As a humanist, I concern myself with human welfare, values, and dignity. As a business leader, my concerns are exactly the same.
A leader's responsibility is to hone effectiveness while inspiring others. To develop employees while leading a team. To guide change while managing stakeholders. To set goals and effectively delegate to best reach them.
I am a people over numbers leader, I believe in a working environment that is safe emotionally, mentally, and physically. I believe in working hard and playing harder, for my team and for me. Richard Branson says: "Take care of your employees and they’ll take care of your business".
All of this is easier said than done. Of course, how else?
Wake up every morning, put on your armour, and walk out the front door with intent. The intent of a leader. It can be exhausting, it can be downright scary sometimes, however, true leaders have great warriors in their tribe. Warriors who will have your back every moment of every day. Warriors that believe in the vision, the mission to protect the farmers, the hunters, the gatherers - the soul of the tribe.
A courageous leader understands fear, embraces it, and turns it into an opportunity to learn, explore, and ultimately thrive. When tribe members can apply their natural skills and passions to what they do every day in every way, when they are empowered to contribute towards success, the tribe itself thrives. This is a simple evolutionary fact.
Salt's tribe stands together, learns together, grows together, and above all, we thrive together.
#ProudSaltie #DoItTheSaltWay #5IR #TechRev #OnsGeeOm #ThisIsHowWeRoll #TechnologyRevolutionist

By Sonja Coetzer